
NEIO / All Categories  / 10/5 Fundraiser A Success!

10/5 Fundraiser A Success!

We had a great turnout at the fundraiser last night! We were able to meet new people and see old faces. We are truly blessed and very grateful for everyone that showed up, all the donors and sponsors that couldn’t be there last night, and those that were there with us in spirit. Thank you for your contributions to a better future for the children in Nepal!

We also want to express our deepest gratitude towards all of our sponsors for the event: Buffalo Theory, Autumn Express, Niana Liu, Scripts/Calico Brands, Riad Bekhit from Philz Coffee, Priority Express Cleaners, Gilbert Hoh, Jackie Chan from NY Life, Cheuk Keun Chau for making this event possible! Special thanks to Tracy Nguyen, Quinn Wong, and Gilbert Hoh for securing this wonderful venue for our event! Everyone loved the place and raved about the food!

We also want to thank all of our volunteers that helped before and during the event. Thank you Alana Koch, Antonio Flores, Susanna Leung, Tracy Nguyen, Quinn Wong, Run Yi, Divya Gandhi! We are truly blessed to have your support.

We hope that everyone will get to join us on a trip to Nepal one day and meet the children you support in person! Namaste!

With love & gratitude,
NEIO team